In order to help prevent the spread of disease or infection, and to keep all children as healthy as possible, C.A.S.A. requires the following:

  • Each child must have an immunization form on file. Religious exemptions are not accepted.

  • The school will administer first aid including wound cleansing and antiseptics unless otherwise advised by parents.

  • When a communicable disease has been introduced to C.A.S.A., parents will be notified. Parents are urged to notify the school when their child has been exposed to a disease outside of school.

  • If your child becomes sick at school, we will notify you to pick him/her up immediately.

  • C.A.S.A. staff cannot administer medicine without the "Permission to Administer Medicine" form completed and signed.

 Please keep your child home if he/she has any of the following symptoms:

  • Has or has had a fever within 24 hours

  • Has thrown up within 24 hours

  • Green runny nose, coughing, sore throat

  • Diarrhea, sores, burns or questionable rashes

  • If a child is too sick to go out and play, he/she is too sick to attend school. C.A.S.A. does not have extra staff to keep a child in from outdoor play.